Teignbridge District Councillor and Conservative Member for Ashburton & Buckfastleigh Ward
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Ashburton Surgery Web Site Link
Thought it might be useful for Ashburton residents to have a link to the Surgery. The Surgery publish a regular news update in the Newsletter.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Teignbridge Draft Active Leisure Strategy 2011-16
Teignbridge District Council are consulting until Friday 14th October 2011 on their Active Leisure Strategy. In addition to our local responses, we rely on tourists both from upcountry and locally, and residents involved in the leisure industry, food and accommodation, may wish to contribute. The link is:
Voter Registration 2011/12
Voter Registration forms should start to drop through doors this week. Don't forget to complete them to keep your right to vote. If you have thought about a postal vote, but not done anything about it, this is a good time. The link to the Teignbridge District Council page is:
Friday, 12 August 2011
Random Thoughts on Affordable Housing - Part 1
The following random thoughts on affordable housing should not be considered to be Council Policy nor to represent any particular interest group, professional organisation or body, but rather a brief overview, and random thoughts of the complex and often confusing subject of affordable housing.
Defining affordable housing is the first problem - one persons affordable house is not another, and what may be affordable in one part of the country may not be in another. The generally accept definition of affordability is that of a discount in the cost of the house by between 25% - 30% of market value. And, in order to keep the house affordable the discount is assumed to be in perpetuity. Given that one of the major factors in determining whether or not a house will be affordable is the price at which the land owner sells the land, demand can and often does, outstrip supply.
The type and tenure of an affordable house also needs to be considered, as this again, has an effect on the demand and supply curve. At the most basic level housing is built either for private purchase and/or rent, or for public purchase and/or rent. Therefore the same building development might have houses which are affordable both to private purchasers or renters, as well as those in ‘public ownership’ for purchase and rent owned by Registered Providers (Housing Association), Cooperatives, Community Land Trusts etc.
Other factors affecting the final house price and therefore its ‘affordability’ include; whether or not the Section 106 requirement - that is the amount required by the Local Authority or other statutory bodies towards the cost of additional infrastructure, schools, open spaces etc, the ability of purchasers to find the correct deposit and if a mortgage lender will lend. (The Section 106 is due to be replaced by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in the near future).
Where to build, and how many houses to build exercises many local communities. In an ideal system, a housing means survey together with first preferences taken from the Housing Register (in this case Devon Home Choice) should establish the number and type of affordable houses needed in a particular community. Such a survey should therefore also include the numbers of both young and older residents who wish to remain in their community with the type of dwelling required i.e. extra care facility, flats etc. In recent years communities have felt overwhelmed by additional housing often as a result of greater strategic planning targets rather than local need. The move towards neighbourhood planning as a result of the Localism Bill should empower local communities and encourage them to play a greater part in the process.
Local communities have also felt that Section 106 commuted sums have not returned to the community. A good neighbourhood plan will incorporate ideas for the use of such sums, and there are examples across the country where an active community involvement together with the developer and local authority bring real financial gains to a community.
Whitecleaves Quarry Buckfastleigh
Details of the Whitecleaves Quarry Buckfastleigh planning application can be found at:
Closing date for responses is 02.09.11
Buckfastleigh Town Council Planning Committee are holding an Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday 24th August at 10.30am in Room 3 to discuss the application. There will be time set aside for public participation, and residents wishing to address the Committee need to contact the Clerk Judith Hart in advance of the meeting to register their intensions.
Closing date for responses is 02.09.11
Buckfastleigh Town Council Planning Committee are holding an Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday 24th August at 10.30am in Room 3 to discuss the application. There will be time set aside for public participation, and residents wishing to address the Committee need to contact the Clerk Judith Hart in advance of the meeting to register their intensions.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Rotary Club Artex 2011
The Rotary Club of Ashburton Buckfastleigh are holding their annual Art Exhibition in the Great Barn Buckfast Abbey, curtesy of the Abbot and Community of Buckfast Abbey. The Exhibition runs until Monday 15th August and is open daily 1000am to 5pm and Sunday 12pm to 4pm.
Friday, 5 August 2011
DNPA Development Management Document Response Form
For all those of you who wish to formally respond to the DNPA DMD Document the link is below:
To update Ashburton Residents regarding planning application 0232/11 - Demolition of existing police station and replacement with new office/retail building: Development Management Members refused this application on concerns regarding highways issues.
To update Ashburton Residents regarding planning application 0232/11 - Demolition of existing police station and replacement with new office/retail building: Development Management Members refused this application on concerns regarding highways issues.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Stop Press Stop Press Thursday 4th August 2011
DNPA Director of Development Control has confirmed to Members that the Linhay 21 Planning Application has been formally withdrawn.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
DNPA Development Management Meeting Friday 5th August 2011
I have been asked to post the link to the DNPA Development Management Meeting 5th August 2011 at which both the Police Station and Linhay 21 applications will be considered. Therefore without any form of pre-determination the link is below:
Coming to Ashburton Swimming Pool
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