Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Celebrating Bank Youth Project Big Lottery Grant

Great Cake, great celebration of a Big Lottery Grant to support the running of the Bank Youth Project Ashburton. Thanks to everyone involved in this 'must have' organisation locally.

Monday, 18 March 2013

PC Hooper's leaving message to the council.

Dear All

As the Sheriff of Buckfastleigh (as some call me) this is a very difficult time for me.  Over these past 8 years I have really enjoyed my work in Buckfastleigh and surrounding areas, but most of all I have enjoyed meeting and working alongside all the people.  There is a real community spirit in the town, and although I will hold fond memories of the many Town events that have been staged over the years, it is the people I shall miss the most.

Although I do not live in the Town I have always been made to feel very welcome. Whilst I have not been able to solve all the problems in the town, I do hope that I have made a difference and helped to improve life both for residents and businesses. One thing that has always impressed me is the number of people who volunteer or give up their own time to improve Buckfastleigh, whether socially, financially or environmentally. The community spirit has played a major part in solving/preventing some of the issues that have/may have affected so many people.

The “young people” in the Town are often unduly slated. There are of course, like in any town, a small minority that ruin it for others, but on the whole the young people are respectful and a credit to the town, despite some of their circumstances. On the whole my experience of them in Buckfastleigh has been hugely positive and I take my hat off to those locals and professionals who already work tirelessly to help the youths.

I would like to thank everyone for their support throughout my “reign” in Buckfastleigh I shall miss you all.  As some of you may be aware, I will be passing the badge to my experienced colleague PC Andy Dudley who is currently the Neighbourhood Beat Manager for Ashburton and well aware of the issues and people in Buckfastleigh.  I trust he will enjoy his time working in this community as much as I have. Of course Tamzin Campbell-Moseley will remain as the PCSO in the Town and continue her great work.

Thank you all once again, Ali Hooper

Thanks Ali for what you've done.

Sunday, 17 March 2013


Reproduced below is a copy of the Newsletter I received regarding the Buckfastleigh Food Bank.


The Present:
The sad events of the past week at Buckfast Spinning have focused our minds on the possible future needs of our community.  It was always our intention to open a Foodbank, run by the churches and the community in the local area but, we now realise that the launch needs to be brought forward.  This will not be done in a rush but with due regard to the availability of food and a sustainable system for its distribution.  The requirement for immediate help for those families in temporary difficulty has not changed in the past few weeks.  What has changed is the possibility that the numbers might be greater within the next few months.  We thank the Trussell Trust ( ) for providing us with all the back up to get training, vouchers and supermarkets in place.  To understand the guidelines we shall be following, please visit their web site.  Within the next week or so, we will have our own: or if you want  to contact us  Telephone number to be promulgated soon.

Foodbank Successes:
We now have two Buckfastleigh shops with food collection points:  these are the Coop and Huccaby’s so we would wish to thank them both for their generosity.  Also, Morrisons in Totnes have one and we are in negotiation with Newton Abbot supermarkets to have collections in each of their stores soon.  Tesco are particularly supportive and have given us two dates in early July when we will be able to collect for an entire day.  We are hoping to organise date(s) before this.  Watch this space!  St Luke’s Church also has an ‘overflowing’ collection point.  Finally, we must thank the HITS Charity in Newton Abbot for giving us some of their food and, next week, we are expecting Exeter Foodbank to deliver another load of food to us.

Immediate Future:
Next week we have an ‘open to everybody’ session in St Luke’s at 7-15pm  on Wednesday 20th when the Regional Director of The Trussell Trust will talk to everyone in the town about what a Foodbank is, how it is run and what to expect as we develop (1 hour).  We hope that this will be an opportunity for our community to come and ask questions.
Also, the next day, Thursday 21st, at 10-00am we will have a training session for about an hour when volunteers will be given some help about how to deliver the service to the clients.  Please sign up in the church for this.  By the way, we need more volunteers so please put your names on the lists available. All skills will be utilised.

Soon After:
We realise that most are now wondering why we are collecting food and have yet to talk about how or when it might be distributed.  We are aiming to have the sustainable method of helping our friends, up and running, within a matter of weeks.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Axminster Carpets Administration

Following the devastating news for Buckfast and residents of Buckfastleigh and Ashburton and surrounding South Hams Parishes, I would like to share with you how the Teignbridge District Council Housing Options Team (in association with South Hams) is responding to the news of Axminster Carpets entering administration.

On Thursday 7th March 9am  - 1130am a Housing Officer from the TDC Housing team will be attending the Axminter Carpets building in Buckfast with the Job Centre Plus Large Scale Redundancy Team. They will be offering housing advice to those staff members based in Teignbridge whilst one of their collegues from South Hams will cover their element