Monday, 28 October 2013

Beloved Community Hospital – We Must Not Lose IT

Regular readers will remember that the Communities of Ashburton and Buckfastleigh were very involved in responding to proposals from the Torbay and South Devon Health Care Trust about the closure of our Community Hospital after 125 years.

So it is with great pride for the League of Friends Team that I copy the email below............

Dear All

In August this year I ( as a member of the CHA) was invited to enter a Project  ( on behalf of our Hospital League of Friends) into the above Awards Scheme. This was done and the Project Title was “RESPONSE TO CONSULTATION – COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT” ( our battle with the Torbay and South Devon Health Care Trust  earlier this year).  I knew we were up against similar projects from across the country. We made the short list after which, I was visited by two members of the Selection Panel ( one from Somerset and one from Norwich). We chatted at length about our Hospital and then I took them on a short tour of same where they chatted with Staff and patients.

The end result is that I have just received a letter from the Chair of the Award Selection Panel stating that “we have been chosen to receive an Innovation and Best Practice Award.” Not too much detail as yet but the award ceremony will be in Manchester at the CHA conference in May next year.

This is marvellous news for all in the Community as a whole and those  directly involved in putting the Project content together( The Hospital Action Group, the League of Friends, The Council and  The Hospital to name but a few ).  I sincerely hope this will help act as a catalyst for the same Community who helped win this award, to regroup  for the oncoming Engagement processes being instigated by the local CCG next month.

To this end I would ask all addressees to spread this news around the Community as soon as possible and hopefully they will help us once again during  the new conflicts to come.

I will keep you informed of information as I receive it

Finally Well done to the Communities of Ashburton, Buckfastleigh and all those who constitute the Catchment Area  for our:-

Beloved Community Hospital – We Must Not Lose IT

Many thanks and best wishes to you all

Kind regards

Stewart Adams

Ashburton and Buckfastleigh
League of Friends

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Talk Tourism in Teignbridge - 23.10.13

Police Neighbourhood News Letter - September 2013

Over the last month there have been 48 incidents reported to us from Buckfastleigh.
There have been 13 incidents reported on the duel carriageway.
There have been 13 reports of crime from the town including:
5 Criminal Damages
2 Assaults
1 Burglary
2 Complaints about dogs
1 Possession of cannabis
1 Public Order offence
1 Communication offence.
Over the weekend of the 14th and 15th September there were a number of reports of anti social behaviour in the town centre into the early hours of the morning. Police attended and spoke to some of the individuals concerned who were warned about their behaviour and moved on from the area.
There have also been a number of reports of antisocial behaviour emanating from the playing fields at Duckspond Road, the individuals involved have as yet not been identified but police will continue to monitor this area and pay passing attention whilst on patrol.
In response to reports of anti-social behaviour NBM PC Young has approached the organiser of the PUBWATCH scheme with a view to reinitiating regular meetings. This has proved previously successful in identifying problematic individuals and banning them from licensed premises. Hopefully this will be back up and running in the next couple of months.
A number of reports have been submitted to the police licensing department with regards one of the pubs in town, the landlord of which has been reminded of his responsibilities to prevent crime and disorder and public nuisance. This situation will be carefully monitored by the local policing team and licensing department.
Added to this, to combat ASB late in the evenings response units from across South Devon have been tasked to direct their patrols towards BUCKFASTLEIGH to increase the late night police presence in the town.
The police have approached TEIGNBRIDGE COUNCIL about getting new signage in regards to the NO –DRINKING ZONE in Buckfastleigh. The council have agreed to put up 4 new signs. The police have also requested a sign banning motor vehicles from VICTORIA PARK. The council are arranging this.
There have been no crime reports from WEST BUCKFASTLEIGH during this time period.
Police surgeries are held monthly at Buckfastleigh Town Hall, the next one being Wednesday 13th November at 7.30pm
We can be contacted via the central switchboard no. 101 or via e-mail –

Ashburton and Widecombe Police Reports - September 2013

In Ashburton 80 incidents were reported. 18 of these concerned the A38. A further 8 were traffic related incidents in the Town itself including 3 reports of congestion in North Street caused by inconsiderate parking.
10 crimes were recorded. They included-
4 offences of criminal damage, 2 of these were to cars parked in Dolbeare Road.
3 offences of common assault
1 burglary – the contents of a handbag were stolen from a shop on North Street on 14thSeptember.
A 13 yr old boy was dealt with for assaulting his mother. Town Centre CCTV also assisted in the identification of a 31yr old female who caused damage to window boxes outside a pub on 21st September.
In Widecombe 4 incidents were reported. These included a report of a dog attacking another dog at Widecombe Fair and a report of lost walkers near Newbridge on 17thSeptember. The walkers made their own way back to their car just prior to the Dartmoor Rescue Group being called out.
1 crime was reported.
In Bickington 6 incidents were reported. These included a report of dangerous driving on the A383 as a car followed close behind an ambulance during a “blue-light run”. A non-injury traffic collision also took place on the A383 on 27th September.
No crimes were reported.
PCSO Carolyn Studd has now left Ashburton. She is currently training to be a Police Constable and will eventually serve in Torquay. Positive news is that we now have an additional Police Constable on the Neighbourhood Team at Ashburton. PC Will Young is the new local officer for Buckfastleigh.
My next Police surgeries are at the Ashburton Information Centre from 10-11 am on Tuesday 22nd October and Tuesday 26th November. I can be contacted at Conway House, Ashburton via the central no. of 101. Alternatively the totally confidential Crimestoppers no. 0800 555111 can be used to pass information to the Police. The Neighbourhood Team can also be contacted by e-mail –
                                                                                           PC 4486 Andrew Dudley