Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Holiday Walks

Thought I'd share with regular and irregular readers a few notes on a little exercise, lots of fresh air and the enjoyable coastal scenes experienced over the last week.

The first was along the beach at Teignmouth, and with the tide being very low, was able to walk the whole length of the beach including rounding Spray Point.

The second, a little more challenging, was a walk from Torquay to Brixham - a little up and down with a number of steps to say the least. The return journey was by bus! 

The end - phew:)

War Horse Further Update

A further update on the Rotary Club of Ashburton/Buckfastleigh showing of the 'War Horse'  - the target of 700 ticket contributions has been reached in 10 days. Thank you to all who have been so generous.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

War Horse update

Thanks to the generous support of so many, after a week the Rotary Club of Ashburton/Buckfastleigh has received contributions for over 500 seats, for Monday 9th January showing of the War Horse.

Out target is to fill two screens amounting to 700 seats. The chosen charities are shown on the previous Blog.

Thank you.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Rotary Club of Ashburton/Buckfastleigh - War Horse - SW Premiere

With my Rotarian hat on, regular, even irregular readers of this Blog might be interested in the flyer below. Filmed down here its got to be a must, and on the day after the UK premiere.

Ashburton ad Buckfastleigh Town Councils

This week has seen both Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Town Council monthly meetings. If you have not attended your Town Council meetings, I urge residents to do so. The volume of local issues covered, and the time your local Councillors give to your towns, all on a voluntary basis, is amazing. For details of their agendas and minutes go onto the appropriate web sights.

Harewood House, Buckfastleigh new affordable housing development

Thanks to Teign Housing and developers Coyde, and Teignbridge District Council Housing for the opportunity to view the new affordable housing scheme of 10 houses and bungalows at Harewood House Buckfastleigh. I understand these houses are built to Code 4 and include air source heat pumps.

These homes are located in Buckfastleigh within Dartmoor National Park, and the design and layout of the Close captures the ambiance of the National Park.

The first occupants are due to move in on Monday.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

When Two or Three are Gathered Together...

...We live in challenging times, as well many of our local communities are all to well aware. So it has been a pleasure and privilege to be able to be part of the celebrations in the communities of Ashburton and Buckfastleigh over this last week, at the commencement of this festive season.

Last Friday night, the Rotary Club of Ashburton/Buckfastleigh put on its annual charity Christmas Concert at St Luke's Church, with music provided by the Newton Abbot Orchestra under Maestro Rob Young. They played a selection of seasonal works, carols and even a couple of world premiere pieces. A lovely evening well attended by local residents, with even some of the audience coming from Chudleigh. Thank you to all who participated, their families and the audience, and members of the St Luke's who helped  raise £738 for the chosen charities.

Sunday night, the Mayor of Ashburton Cllr. Donald Distin held his Civic Service in the Methodist Church. An evening of carols and readings, performances by the Primary School and members of the In-Con singers. A joyous but reflective celebration of this time of year, into which a lot of volunteers had put a lot of their time to make the evening such a memorable success. Thank you one and all.

Last but by no means least, on Tuesday night the Mayor of Buckfastleigh Cllr. Denise Rudgley held a 'Carols by Candlelight' event in the Town Hall. The residents attending together with members of the local youth club, joined in a selection of favourite carols and a brilliant rendition of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'. Again than you to everyone who made this such a special evening...

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

'The Game's Afoot' - TDC Draft Core Strategy - Goes out to Consultation

As at 10.00hrs today Tuesday 6th December 2011 the TDC Draft Core Strategy can go forward for public consultation. In the previous Blog I have shown the process, but basically public and parishes can start to engage.

Again, it is a consultation process, and its not for me to predict the outcome, or suggest pathways that should be followed during the process, but to present the final outcome to the Planning Inspector in the fullness of time.

However, as this is a Blog and purely random thoughts can escape into the ether; were I still a Parish Clerk, I would be looking to advise Council first and foremost at which green space and lungs within the village envelop, or adjacent to it, that should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Having established what is the bottom line, then look at what may be needed in the future to service the community - i.e. keep the local school, shop, services etc. and then consider where both housing and employment can be located i in terms of first, second and third preferences.

Then finally work up a 'wish list' of projects, needs and requirements, that are needed to sustain  the Parish into the future. This could even be by CICs or similar Trusts.

Without any bias, one such example is Chudleigh's  Master Plan and Conservation Design Guide.

But as I say these are merely random thoughts for which no weight should be attached.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Draft Plan Takes Step Closer To Public Consultation (published 29.11.11)

Teignbridge Draft Core Strategy - a link to the latest Press Release and ways to get involved can be found at:

As I have stated before, this is a consultation, and there are a number of ways responses can be logged with TDC, so watch this Blog.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

South West Water Bills Good News

Busy day today blogging. So much news in so little time. If you follow the link in my earlier post about the Kingskerswell Bypass and go to page 41 para. 1.134 - it states that;

 'Households in the South West face by far the highest water bills in the country. The
Government has decided to fund South West Water to enable it to cut bills by £50
per year for all household customers.'

Got to be good news :)

New Policies Help To Boost Affordable Rural Housing Opportunities

Teignbridge District Council has today publish a press release regarding "New Policies Help To Boost Affordable Rural Housing Opportunities '.

This press release deal with a number if policy areas designed to assist local residents in the rural areas within Teignbridge own and/or rent homes within the rural community. It enables land owners to bring forward small parcels of land that otherwise could not be developed, and at the same time add value and benefit to a local rural community.

Kingskerswell ByPass

In the Chancellor's Autumn Statement page 32 item 1.92 it is confirmed that the Kingskerswell bypass goes ahead. Full details of the document can be found on-line. This brings to an end 50 years of speculation - is it isn't it - The Bypass is seen as integral to the long term future of the area, helping to improve both access locally and air quality, as well as improved transport links with Torquay.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Ashburton Affordable Housing Your Views Sort - Update

Thank you to all Ashburton residents who came to the Affordable Housing and Car Parking :) consultation at the Town Hall on Saturday 19th November.

For those of you who were unable to attend or want to follow the process the link below takes you to the DNPA blog web site page. There is still time to contribute or add to the comments you made.

This is our opportunity Ashburton - lets us it ..........

Teignbridge District Council - Draft Core Strategy Call In - update

As many residents of Teignbridge will be aware the Preferred Options Draft Core Strategy, dealing with development in Teignbridge(excluding planning and related DNPA issues for DNPA Parishes) over the next 20 years was Call-In. Currently the Call-In is the subject of on-going Committee debates, and means that public consultation on the Options can not be formally commenced until the outcome of the Call-In and any amendments or alterations to the original document (which is on the Teignbridge Web-site) will be required.

I understand that a number of rural parishes, as well as town councils are using this interregnum to start their own local consultations, and dust off Parish Plans both for this consultation and as a result of the Localism Bill and NPPF introduction.

If in doubt, or have a contribution to make, contact forward planning at Teignbridge District Council.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Preferred Options Draft Core Strategy Local Development Plan for TDC

The Preferred Options Draft Core Strategy - for all of Teignbridge outside the National Park - went through the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive yesterday, and will be coming forward for public consultation between the 17th November 2011 and 13th January 2012. This allows for printing and distribution.

This document contains preferred options, they are not the final. The consultation period is just that, and if communities, individuals or businesses  have views contact Teignbridge once the details are announced. I will put more details up about the content once the consultation commences. However, where communities offer a different option to that shown, it will need to include the evidenced figures for housing, employment etc. included within that option, or alternative locations for them.

Ashburton Affordable Housing Your Views Sort

Good news for those residents who have been writing and emailing regarding the consultation over affordable housing in Ashburton. This is your chance to make your views known directly to the DNPA. Please use it.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Draft Local Development Plan due for Publication

Residents of Teignbridge District Council, outside the National Park, involved with or may wish to comment when the public consultation process formally commences, can follow the progress of the Draft Core Strategy - Local Development Framework at:

This document is vital to the District as it allows communities to help determine where they would like development of houses, jobs and services for the next 20 years. Not participating could well result in unwanted development, and no 'gain' for a community.

The article also lists out the 'next steps' the process will follow.

Enjoy - it really is the opportunity to shape the future and make a difference for the next 20 years.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Neighbourhood and Community Plans in Teignbridge

For those interested in knowing where on the TDC web site to find details of the recent Neighbourhood and Community Plan consultations (excluding Dartmoor), I have the link below. These community plans are essential to meet the needs of your community over the next 20 years.

Life without and after Blackberry

To all my regular readers and those random Bloggers who stumble across this page - sorry for not contributing to the Blog for a few weeks. A little like my Blackberry, I have been a little busy lately. Who said being a Councillor was easy work, with training sessions, briefings, meetings and going to Core Strategy public meetings and attending Dartmoor National Park events and duties.

The level of Core Strategy engagement with Teignbridge residents, businesses and other partners has been astonishing - but more about this in future weeks.

And while on the subject of meetings - I have thought that rather like collectors of rosettes and medals and the such, those of us who attend meetings with name badges and plastic pens, might like to start displaying them as 'status symbols' of the different meetings we have attended, and even swapping plastic pens.

At the October TDC Planning Committee Members approved details of some 417 houses, including 157 affordable. Giving planning permission for housing is not the same as delivering completed houses, and it was an honour last week, during Rural Housing Week, to be at two celebrations of completed affordable housing schemes for residents with local connections.

The first was the official opening at Tedburn St Mary, and a scheme which saw Teignbridge District Council, the Parish Council, Teign Housing and Hastoe Housing working in partnership.

The second, was at the Community Council of Devon and Devon Association of Local Councils AGMs and conference. As part of the Devon Rural Housing Awards, launched in 2008 to recognise and acknowledge the achievements of any individual or group of people who have inspired their community working towards affordable housing for local people. An award I was fortunate to be given in 2009.

This year St Giles in the Wood Parish Council and Roy Turner of Woolsery Parish Council won awards for completing affordable houses through commitment to and commitment from their local communities. Further details of Devon Rural Housing Partnership can be found on the Community Council of Devon website  at

It can be done. .

...Life without Blackberry has been quiet, the lull before the storm, and then that little 'ping' that tells you that perhaps life was better without Blackberry. But before all Android users smirk and say 'told you so' just remember there are 11 parallel universes out there!

Friday, 16 September 2011

Localism in action in Dawlish

For those who want to know a little more about the proposed changes to planning and neighbourhood consultation, you may wish to link to this press release from Teignbridge District Council regarding Dawlish. Dawlish has been chosen as one of 17 front runners to pioneer the localism agenda./

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Ashburton Food and Drink Saturday - 10th September 2011

Well done and thank you to all organisers, stewards, food and drink outlets and those of you who gave your time and skills to demonstrate your culinary arts.

Brilliant day, great atmosphere - super nibbles.

Friday, 9 September 2011

This October sees Free Running.......

Thought those into Skateboarding and Freestyle BMX might want look at this Press Release from Teignbridge District Council:

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Teignbridge District Council -Community Plans Making Local Voices Heard

Residents in Bovey Tracey and Heathfield are being asked for views on new plans for the parish as Teignbridge District Council sets out ideas in a draft Community Masterplan:

The link to the TDC web page is below:

Friday, 2 September 2011

Businesses Invited to Free Forum Event - Teignbridge District Council

TDC are holding another Business Forum open to all local businesses 6pm Wednesday 7th September. This is also an opportunity to meet Councillors and network with colleagues. The link to the event is:

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Hospital League of Friends

Advance notice of a concert 'Evening with Gershwin' by Rob Young and friends. To be held 29th October at St Lawrence Chapel commencing 7.30pm - organised by the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Hospital League of Friends.

Press Release - First 100 Days of the Conservative Administration @ TDC

In our first 100 days this is what we have achieved.....

Freezing Council Tax
We are freezing our share of your Council Tax for the next two years, and we’re aiming to extend this until 2015.
We promised to review the joint working arrangements with Torridge District Council, as result, we are working on a proposal to form an Accord with all the district councils in Devon, in order to achieve a 40% saving in our back office costs over the next 3 years. This will be a key element  in delivering a Council Tax freeze.
Making Housing A Top Priority
Working harder to deliver more homes where communities want them most.
We have been actively discussing the topic of new homes with the public and we are listening to the type community benefits they want to see as a result. An observation so far, is because of the lack of finance from central government, if towns and villages want superior facilities, it will have to come as result of well planned development.
Bringing Power To The People
We are giving more power back to town and parish councils, putting extra responsibility and control in local hands.
We have been looking at the assets currently under the council’s ownership to see if they are working hard enough for the public. In the coming months, some these will be transferred to other bodies in order to achieve more for their communities.
Backing Business and Promoting Tourism
We are aiming to promote regeneration, create more local jobs, support our businesses and attract more visitors.
We have a good understanding of business and we have engaged with that sector in a number of ways to cut red tape, improve job creation and offer future prosperity for local trade.
On tourism, during the Winter we shall be hosting the first Tourism Summit to help plan a better future for those involved in the holiday trade.
Reviewing Car Parking Charges
To encourage more in-town shopping and reduce costs for motorists.
We have already implemented a pilot scheme for free Sunday parking and this will be extended to all areas soon.  This action has prompted excellent support from the business community and other ideas to promote in-town shopping are being considered.
Simple ideas, intelligently applied.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Ashburton Surgery Web Site Link

Thought it might be useful for Ashburton residents to have a link to the Surgery. The Surgery publish a regular news update in the Newsletter.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Teignbridge Draft Active Leisure Strategy 2011-16

Teignbridge District Council are consulting until Friday 14th October 2011 on their Active Leisure Strategy. In addition to our local responses,  we rely on tourists both from upcountry and locally, and residents involved in the leisure industry, food and accommodation, may wish to contribute. The link is:

Voter Registration 2011/12

Voter Registration forms should start to drop through doors this week. Don't forget to complete them to keep your right to vote. If you have thought about a postal vote, but not done anything about it, this is a good time. The link to the Teignbridge District Council page is:

Friday, 12 August 2011

Random Thoughts on Affordable Housing - Part 1

The following random thoughts on affordable housing should not be considered to be Council Policy nor to represent any particular interest group, professional organisation or body, but rather a brief overview, and random thoughts of the complex and often confusing subject of affordable housing.
Defining affordable housing is the first problem - one persons affordable house is not another, and what may be affordable in one part of the country may not be in another. The generally accept definition of affordability is that of a discount in the cost of the house by between 25% - 30% of market value. And, in order to keep the house affordable the discount is assumed to be in perpetuity. Given that one of the major factors in determining whether or not a house will be affordable is the price at which the land owner sells the land, demand can and often does, outstrip supply.
The type and tenure of an affordable house also needs to be considered, as this again, has an effect on the demand and supply curve. At the most basic level housing is built either for private purchase and/or rent, or for public purchase and/or rent. Therefore the same building development might have houses which are affordable both to private purchasers or renters, as well as those in ‘public ownership’ for purchase and rent owned by Registered Providers (Housing Association), Cooperatives, Community Land Trusts etc.
Other factors affecting the final house price and therefore its ‘affordability’ include; whether or not the Section 106 requirement - that is the amount required by the Local Authority or other statutory bodies towards the cost of additional infrastructure, schools, open spaces etc, the ability of purchasers to find the correct deposit and if a mortgage lender will lend. (The Section 106 is due to be replaced by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in the near future). 
Where to build, and how many houses to build exercises many local communities. In an ideal system, a housing means survey together with first preferences taken from the Housing Register (in this case Devon Home Choice) should establish the number and type of affordable houses needed in a particular community. Such a survey should therefore also include the numbers of both young and older residents who wish to remain in their community with the type of dwelling required i.e. extra care facility, flats etc. In recent years communities have  felt overwhelmed by additional housing often as a result of greater strategic planning targets rather than local need. The move towards neighbourhood planning as a result of the Localism Bill should empower local communities and encourage them to play a greater part in the process.
Local communities have also felt that Section 106 commuted sums have not returned to the community. A good neighbourhood plan will incorporate ideas for the use of such sums, and there are examples across the country where an active community involvement together with the developer and local authority bring real financial gains to a community.

Whitecleaves Quarry Buckfastleigh

Details of the Whitecleaves Quarry Buckfastleigh planning application can be found at:

Closing date for responses is 02.09.11

Buckfastleigh Town Council Planning Committee are holding an Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday 24th August at 10.30am in Room 3 to discuss the application. There will be time set aside for public participation, and residents wishing to address the Committee need to contact the Clerk Judith Hart in advance of the meeting to register their intensions.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Rotary Club Artex 2011

The Rotary Club of Ashburton Buckfastleigh are holding their annual Art Exhibition in the Great Barn Buckfast Abbey, curtesy of the Abbot and Community of Buckfast Abbey. The Exhibition runs until Monday 15th August and is open daily 1000am to 5pm and Sunday 12pm to 4pm.

Friday, 5 August 2011

DNPA Development Management Document Response Form

For all those of you who wish to formally respond to the DNPA DMD Document the link is below:

To update Ashburton Residents regarding planning application 0232/11 - Demolition of existing police station and replacement with new office/retail building:  Development Management Members refused this application on concerns regarding highways issues.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Stop Press Stop Press Thursday 4th August 2011


DNPA Director of Development Control has confirmed to Members that the Linhay 21 Planning Application has been formally withdrawn.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

DNPA Development Management Meeting Friday 5th August 2011

I have been asked to post the link to the DNPA Development Management Meeting 5th August 2011 at which both the Police Station  and Linhay 21 applications will be considered. Therefore without any form of pre-determination the link is below:

Coming to Ashburton Swimming Pool

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Week 11 Council Confirms Free Sunday Parking In Teignbridge (published 26.7.11)

Teignbridge District Council's Executive has agreed plans for free Sunday parking across the district.

The pilot scheme will see charges dropped on Sundays in all rural areas of the district from Sunday 7th August until 31st March 2012, with busier town and resort car parks in Newton Abbot, Teignmouth and Dawlish joining the scheme from Sunday 30th October this year.
The move will provide good feedback on the benefits and is part of a wider review of car parks that will need to be completed before setting the budget for the next financial year in February 2012. Subject to no Members' call in by 2nd August 2011

The whole press release can be viewed at:

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Ashburton Allotments Association

A slide show of Photos - courtesy of Paul Waldron, of the recent visit to Totnes Allotments by Committee Members. Full size images can be obtained by clicking on the photo.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Week 10

Further Events this Week

Buckfastleigh Lamb Pie Day 
Saturday all day around and about The Globe Inn
This Saturday 23rd July

Ashburton Buckfastleigh Hospital League of Friends
Cream Tea at Leusdon 3pm-5pm
Saturday 23rd July

Don't Forget
This Tuesday 19th July Buckfastleigh Globe Car Park - Dartmoor National Park Development Management Delivery Planning Document Road Show.

Don't also Forget

Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Hospital League of Friends AGM Tuesday 19th July 7.30pm. Guest speaker: Jenny Turner - Practice Manager Buckfastleigh Medical Centre and Board Member for South Devon GP Commissioning Consortium.

Week 9

Again, in addition to the various meetings, briefings and Ward issues another filled week.

Major meetings this week include the Planning Committee, TDC Special Council Meeting and at the DNPA a meeting regarding the Development Management Delivery Planning Document and a Development Control Site Visit.

This week saw both the Full Council meetings of Ashburton Town Council and Buckfastleigh Town Councils. At both Insp. Dave Hammond addressed the meetings about the changes to Policing brought about by the strategic spending review. Both meetings were attended by residents, and if you haven't been to either meeting (depending on whether you live in Ashburton or Buckfastleigh) go along and watch your local Councillors in action. Both Councils have a public participation period for residents to ask questions or comment to the Council.

Together with many of the Dartmoor Park Parishes, and their elected DNPA Members I attended the DNPA Parishes Planning Workshop. A very interesting and useful session on planning within our National Park. The DNPA web site is the reference point for information on planning issues, or an email or phone call to the Officers at Parke is a good start.

..And Finally Saturday was Ashburton's Ale Tasting and Bread Weighing Annual Ceremony. The Portreeve and Master Bailiff accompanied by Members of the Courts Leet and Baron paraded through the Town to test the quality of the Ale and bread - much to the surprise of the passengers on the number 88.

Week 8

Time is beginning to become in short supply. Just a short flavour of the week's meetings and events:

As a DNPA Member I join DNP Officers and Ashburton residents at the Development Management Delivery Planning Consultation road show in Cleder Place. The consultation runs until the 23rd September - so still plenty of time to respond. It comes to Buckfastleigh 19th July between 3pm - 7pm in the Globe car park.

Attended the Ashburton Allotment Association Committee meeting to discuss the on-going search for allotment land. If there are any local philanthropic land-owners around Ashburton please get ion touch.

I was privileged to join Council Chairman Cllr. Smith and Leader Cllr. Christophers at the presentation of completion Certificates to 14-16 year olds at South Devon College by Anne Widdicombe.  A big thank you to staff and students for making us all so welcome.

At the invitation of the Mayor of Buckfastleigh those volunteers and professionals involved with youth provision in the Town, met in the Town Hall. The meeting included Councillors and TDC Community Engagement, and it reinforced the view that a lot of residents give up their time to enable/facilitate young people in the Town.

The most unusual event of the week, over and above all the committee meetings and Ward work, was the opportunity with Planning Committee colleagues to attend a seminar about power generation by Wind Turbines, with a visit to a Wind Farm, and being able to stand inside a tower and gaze up 67 metres.

.and finally (week 7 really but..)  Ashburton's Caribbean Carnival - brilliant evening - well done to all the organisers and participants and to the Samba Band.

Monday, 4 July 2011

The Rotary Club of Ashburton Buckfastleigh Presidential Handover 2011-2012

Congratulations to Rtn. Graham Smith President of the Ashburton Buckfastleigh Rotary Club 2011-2012. Graham received his chain from Immediate Past President Keith Irving on Wednesday 29th June at the Ilsington Village Hall. Rtn. Philip Vogel became President Elect 2012-2013.

Further details of the events and the Memory Cafe in Ashburton contact the Club Secretary at the  Club's website:

Graham is pictured above, 
receiving the chain of office

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Archie says hello

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Friday, 1 July 2011

DNPA DMD Policy Document

Dartmoor National Park Authority is conducting a public consultation on the draft Development Management Policy Document.

The document is part of the Local Development Framework and will provide more detailed policies to guide decisions on individual proposals.

Where necessary, it will also allocate areas of land for specific uses to meet the requirements of the Core Strategy.

Ashburton residents go and have your say on 5 July in Cleder Place 3pm - 7pm and Buckfastleigh residents 19 July Globe Inn Car Park 3pm - 7pm. Consultation closes 23 Sept.

More on this at a later stage.

The document can be found on the DNPA website

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Thursday, 30 June 2011


Even harder than our quiz constructing a BBQ
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

My First Week...

First week as a Teignbridge District Councillor for the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Ward. A big thank you to all those who took the time and trouble to turn out and vote not just for me, but for Stuart Barker and Charlie Dennis.

The first week has been a sharp learning curve for all the new Councillors. The best way to describe the week is to liken it to school, where all the new kids wander around in a complete daze, while the returners do whatever. 

We have been photographed, signed our declarations of office, meet the Officers who in this analogy could be likened to Prefects attempting to keep some order among all the free thinking Councillors and shepherding them from meeting to meeting, room to room, and impart all the knowledge they need to know for next week.

They have been extremely patient with us, and must have been asked 20 odd times, where is the toilet, where do I get a cup of coffee, and where is the Council Chamber.

Sitting in the Council Chamber was an experience in itself. I have often been in the public gallery or invited to speak and then returned to the side of the Chamber, but not had a chance to sit as a Councillor.

 A chance to use the electronic voting  and the microphone system. Rather like the military we have been issued with various manuals - ‘Councillors for the use of.. don’t open it yet Vogel. wait for it wait for it.. right turn to page 10.’

On a more serious note the training and information we have received has been excellent and my thanks to all Officers and fellow Councillors for making it so enjoyable.

Councillors' Meet With Jeremy

As TDC Councillors we represent our Wards, as well as the whole District of Teignbridge. 

To this end the Council Leader Elect Cllr. Jeremy Christophers made the offer to all Ward Councillors of meeting with him, on a one to one basis, to discuss what their individual priorities are or will be, for their Ward over the next four years.

Annual Town Council Meeting

Attended together with Ward colleagues the Annual Town Council Meeting of Buckfastleigh Town Council.

Congratulations to Cllr. Rudgley, and Cllr. Armstrong on being elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively.

Councillors Community Fund

On a more local note, each Ward Councillor has £1500.00 per year from the Community Fund for projects within their Ward. As Ashburton and Buckfastleigh have three Councillors this amounts to £4500.00

To access this funding stream there is of course the inevitable detailed form to be completed which includes financial and the project details, and with the help of your Councillor the bid will go to the Executive (and more about the internal workings of the Council another time), who will consider the application. 

Again more about how to apply and the process another time - but worth thinking about if you are a local group with a project.