In our first 100 days this is what we have achieved.....
Freezing Council Tax
We are freezing our share of your Council Tax for the next two years, and we’re aiming to extend this until 2015.
We promised to review the joint working arrangements with Torridge District Council, as result, we are working on a proposal to form an Accord with all the district councils in Devon, in order to achieve a 40% saving in our back office costs over the next 3 years. This will be a key element in delivering a Council Tax freeze.
Making Housing A Top Priority
Working harder to deliver more homes where communities want them most.
We have been actively discussing the topic of new homes with the public and we are listening to the type community benefits they want to see as a result. An observation so far, is because of the lack of finance from central government, if towns and villages want superior facilities, it will have to come as result of well planned development.
Bringing Power To The People
We are giving more power back to town and parish councils, putting extra responsibility and control in local hands.
We have been looking at the assets currently under the council’s ownership to see if they are working hard enough for the public. In the coming months, some these will be transferred to other bodies in order to achieve more for their communities.
Backing Business and Promoting Tourism
We are aiming to promote regeneration, create more local jobs, support our businesses and attract more visitors.
We have a good understanding of business and we have engaged with that sector in a number of ways to cut red tape, improve job creation and offer future prosperity for local trade.
On tourism, during the Winter we shall be hosting the first Tourism Summit to help plan a better future for those involved in the holiday trade.
Reviewing Car Parking Charges
To encourage more in-town shopping and reduce costs for motorists.
We have already implemented a pilot scheme for free Sunday parking and this will be extended to all areas soon. This action has prompted excellent support from the business community and other ideas to promote in-town shopping are being considered.
Simple ideas, intelligently applied.