Thursday 24 November 2011

Teignbridge District Council - Draft Core Strategy Call In - update

As many residents of Teignbridge will be aware the Preferred Options Draft Core Strategy, dealing with development in Teignbridge(excluding planning and related DNPA issues for DNPA Parishes) over the next 20 years was Call-In. Currently the Call-In is the subject of on-going Committee debates, and means that public consultation on the Options can not be formally commenced until the outcome of the Call-In and any amendments or alterations to the original document (which is on the Teignbridge Web-site) will be required.

I understand that a number of rural parishes, as well as town councils are using this interregnum to start their own local consultations, and dust off Parish Plans both for this consultation and as a result of the Localism Bill and NPPF introduction.

If in doubt, or have a contribution to make, contact forward planning at Teignbridge District Council.

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