Tuesday, 29 November 2011

South West Water Bills Good News

Busy day today blogging. So much news in so little time. If you follow the link in my earlier post about the Kingskerswell Bypass and go to page 41 para. 1.134 - it states that;

 'Households in the South West face by far the highest water bills in the country. The
Government has decided to fund South West Water to enable it to cut bills by £50
per year for all household customers.'

Got to be good news :)

New Policies Help To Boost Affordable Rural Housing Opportunities

Teignbridge District Council has today publish a press release regarding "New Policies Help To Boost Affordable Rural Housing Opportunities '.

This press release deal with a number if policy areas designed to assist local residents in the rural areas within Teignbridge own and/or rent homes within the rural community. It enables land owners to bring forward small parcels of land that otherwise could not be developed, and at the same time add value and benefit to a local rural community.


Kingskerswell ByPass

In the Chancellor's Autumn Statement page 32 item 1.92 it is confirmed that the Kingskerswell bypass goes ahead. Full details of the document can be found on-line. This brings to an end 50 years of speculation - is it isn't it - The Bypass is seen as integral to the long term future of the area, helping to improve both access locally and air quality, as well as improved transport links with Torquay.


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Ashburton Affordable Housing Your Views Sort - Update

Thank you to all Ashburton residents who came to the Affordable Housing and Car Parking :) consultation at the Town Hall on Saturday 19th November.

For those of you who were unable to attend or want to follow the process the link below takes you to the DNPA blog web site page. There is still time to contribute or add to the comments you made.

This is our opportunity Ashburton - lets us it ..........


Teignbridge District Council - Draft Core Strategy Call In - update

As many residents of Teignbridge will be aware the Preferred Options Draft Core Strategy, dealing with development in Teignbridge(excluding planning and related DNPA issues for DNPA Parishes) over the next 20 years was Call-In. Currently the Call-In is the subject of on-going Committee debates, and means that public consultation on the Options can not be formally commenced until the outcome of the Call-In and any amendments or alterations to the original document (which is on the Teignbridge Web-site) will be required.

I understand that a number of rural parishes, as well as town councils are using this interregnum to start their own local consultations, and dust off Parish Plans both for this consultation and as a result of the Localism Bill and NPPF introduction.

If in doubt, or have a contribution to make, contact forward planning at Teignbridge District Council.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Preferred Options Draft Core Strategy Local Development Plan for TDC

The Preferred Options Draft Core Strategy - for all of Teignbridge outside the National Park - went through the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive yesterday, and will be coming forward for public consultation between the 17th November 2011 and 13th January 2012. This allows for printing and distribution.

This document contains preferred options, they are not the final. The consultation period is just that, and if communities, individuals or businesses  have views contact Teignbridge once the details are announced. I will put more details up about the content once the consultation commences. However, where communities offer a different option to that shown, it will need to include the evidenced figures for housing, employment etc. included within that option, or alternative locations for them.

Ashburton Affordable Housing Your Views Sort

Good news for those residents who have been writing and emailing regarding the consultation over affordable housing in Ashburton. This is your chance to make your views known directly to the DNPA. Please use it.