Thursday, 5 January 2012

Myths and Truths about Housing in Teignbridge

A personal thought or two on Myths and Truths about housing in Teignbridge:

There’s enough affordable housing, why do we need more?
Only 9% of Teignbridge’s housing stock is affordable compared to the average of 18%. We need more affordable homes for our children, grandchildren and key-workers to live and work in Teignbridge. 
Why don’t you do something about all the empty homes?
Teignbridge has worked hard to reduce the number of empty homes, qualifying under the New Homes Bonus, to 390 unoccupied/unfurnished homes 6 months or longer, as at 1st December 2011.
What’s the Council doing to help build houses in rural communities?
Teignbridge has introduced two new policies to help rural communities. One seeks to enable the development of expensive Exception sites with a small number of open market houses, the other to encourage Self-Build on Exception sites.

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