Buckfastleigh Neighbourhood report – January 2012
Over the past month there have been 43 incidents reported to us from Buckfastleigh. Of note we have seen an increase in the number of reports of the inappropriate use of small motorcycles, both on the road and on the football pitch. One local youth has been seen riding one and this is being investigated locally.
We have had 7 crimes reported to us from the town which includes an assault allegations, 2 criminal damage reports that relate to the same vehicle, 1 theft allegation where the suspect and victim lived at the same address and 1 offence of a person being harassed by text messages from an ex work colleague. Another offence involved a person being verbally abusive to another after an alleged road traffic offence. This incident was attended by police and was resolved by way of the ‘offender’ apologising to the other party face to face for his behaviour.
Dean Prior remained crime free, though 4 incidents were reported. 2 of these related to traffic issues.
No incidents were reported to us from the West Buckfastleigh area but 2 crimes were reported to us. One related to the theft of tools from an unattended van parked in the area of Kings wood. The value of this theft was quite high and included a generator and other assorted power tools. The other theft related to a pedal cycle that was stolen from the Hawson area.
Holne was both crime and incident free.
Recent crime figures for the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh neighbourhood indicate that over the past 12 months reported crime to us is down by just over 15 %. This is the biggest reduction for the whole of Teignbridge and the South Hams which is really good news. The actual numbers of recorded crime are small (283 crimes compared to 334) so we all have to work hard to keep things looking so good. We rely on locals taking care of their property and calling us when they see anything suspicious.
One for your diary - In relation to crime prevention issues we will be running an event at Mole Valley Farmers, Heathfield on Saturday 3rd March where we will have our ‘shed’ on a trailer, which we use to promote better security for such structures and outbuildings. We will also be promoting Farm Watch and our Community messaging systems.
Over the past few weeks the local team have been out speaking to residents to identify current issues that affect their quality of life in the area. It was reassuring to find that all residents spoken to felt safe living in the area. The vast majority of people spoken to had no issues, whilst the biggest concern raised was in relation to Anti Social Behaviour involving young people. Parking, dog mess on the street and speeding were also issues raised. As a team we will now be identifying what we can do to tackle these issues, and also identifying other key agencies that can assist. We will keep you updated.
We can still be contacted via the central switchboard no. 101 or via e-mail – Teignbridge@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk
Our next Police Surgeries will be held at the Buckfastleigh Town Hall clerk’s office on the 16th February 2012 , from 1900 until 2000 hrs
Police Sergeant Ian Stevens
PC 4939 Alison HOOPER,
PCSO Jonathan BOX
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