A random thought or two on The Draft Submission Plan Teignbridge 2013-2033 document that will shortly be going out for 6 weeks final consultation. The responses will be collated and submitted without further discussion to Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) for the Minister to consider, and forwarding to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol for Examination.
Policies contained within the Draft Submission are considered to carry some weight when Members consider planning applications, and as Examination approaches the weight to be attached to policies proportionally increases until a final decision is made on the status and policies contained within the document.
Teignbridge’s last Local Plan was delivered in 1996, and with the finding of the 2007 plan as Unsound there has been an interregnum in which there has been, in many peoples’ minds, piece-meal development and planning by appeal.
Plan Teignbridge 2013 - 2033 is about addressing this, and having policies that are equitable and sustainable across the District. The consequence of this is a change in the way applications will now be dealt with, which will of necessity affect Members, Officers and Applicants.
Members have, through the Plan, given a clear view as to where and what is acceptable in planning terms, and how they wish to see Teignbridge develop across all aspects of life in the District. It is a draft submission, and amendments, alterations, additions and removals may still occur through the Examination process - that’s the democratic way.
There has been more extensive consultation that ever before, and at the end of the day, it is a District wide plan, about meeting the hopes and aspirations of residents now and for the future in a manner that is equitable and benefits all residents across the District.
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