Friday, 26 October 2012

#Rotary #ReDistricting

If dear reader you don't understand the title of this Blog, then you are in good company, because I do not either.

Having said that, there may well be Rotarians out there beyond Blog Land who know exactly what it means and the law of unintentional consequences that may well arise from this process. The loss of more members.

Having returned from District 1170 District Council, I am still none the wiser as to what this idea of redistricting is designed to achieve - especially when as I understand there is at least one motion before the forthcoming Council of Legislation that talks about first class travel for life.....

If I have understood the process, Rotary is expanding in some parts of the world and contracting in others, and this has led to an idea regarding rationalisation of districts so that the golden number of 532 Districts world wide - the number currently - remains for financial reasons.

So in the RIBI area there is a proposal to reduce the number of districts from 29 to 22 (sorry if figures, indeed the spirit of what I write is not exactly correct - that just goes to show if I'm confused it can't be simple enough to understand). 

Now it seems the cut is based on districts and the number of clubs as this relates to membership - RIBI lost net 4 last count. So someone has come up with the idea that Devon should be merged with Cornwall (ok that was the case a couple of decades ago) but that a number of the Devon Clubs should go to other adjacent districts being formed and so on and so on doubtless up and down the country. Surely those districts that do not make the cut should be redistributed to those adjacent districts that do make the cut - job done:)

Except..... someone somewhere seems to have forgotten that as we are always being told Rotary is the Club upwards and that if one District does not want to do this, it doesn't happen. Further with the recently enacted Localism Bill the whole thought process in this country is changing - and tailoring solutions to local problems is the new 'one size fits all'.

It also seems somewhat random to down size to 22 districts, why not 10 etc. But, and here's the nub of the problem, to date as a humble Club President I've seen no financial justification for any of this in the papers I've been sent, and its my subscription, like all members, that pays for all this, or not as the case may be....

Follow me on Twitter @vogelphilipc

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