Friday, 30 March 2012

Draft Of Updated ‘Plan Teignbridge’ Evidence Received By Council

Draft Of Updated ‘Plan Teignbridge’ Evidence Received By Council

A newly updated independent report on the likely need for new homes in Teignbridge over the next 20 years has been received by Teignbridge District Council.

The Council recently commissioned Opinion Research Services (ORS) to provide an updated Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA), a technical report which provides evidence about demographics, migration and the likely housing need for the future. This evidence is used to inform Plan Teignbridge, a draft 20 year plan for new homes, jobs, community facilities, environmental protection and more.

The most recent draft of Plan Teignbridge determined a need for 14,800 new homes over 20 years from 2013-2033. This was based on the original SHMA produced in 2007, which was used by several other local councils in successfully preparing plans.  It was last updated for Teignbridge in 2010. The new draft report from ORS shows a need for 2,400 fewer homes over the 20 year period based on the latest available evidence.

Today councillors met with the specialists from ORS to discuss the report and ask questions.  They examined the methodology and draft report and will consider the outcomes prior to ORS formally presenting its final report to the council. This procedure is standard practice for ORS when presenting work to clients.

A final version of the report is anticipated by early April.

Cllr Philip Vogel, Teignbridge Executive Spokesperson for Housing and Planning said:

“Our priority is to achieve a good quality plan for Teignbridge that delivers what is needed and can act as a material planning consideration.

“We will consider the updated evidence very carefully as we prepare the final draft of Plan Teignbridge.  The final draft will go before all councillors at a Full Council meeting and if approved will be presented to the public for their views.  From there we will need to submit the plan to the Secretary of State before an independent planning inspector is appointed to examine the plan in public.”


For media queries please contact Tim Borrett, Communications Officer, on 01626 215164 or

Teignbridge housing strategy conference 2012

Teignbridge housing strategy conference 2012 - welcome and opening remarks by Philip Vogel Executive Member for Housing and Planning:


May I welcome you to the 2012 Teignbridge Housing Annual Conference and Housing Strategy Event.

We in Teignbridge live in interesting times.

This Council has placed housing and employment at the top of its agenda.

In Teignbridge we have some small areas of low income and job deprivation, and because of our rural nature, many of our residents are also seen as deprived, because its hard for them to access services

- the Council’s response in the Council Plan 2011-2015, will be to promote projects to address deprivation, enable residents to access our services more easily, ensure that residents get the benefits they are entitled to, and strive to improve housing in deprived areas.

In Teignbridge we have a high number of older residents who are vulnerable to cold, slips, trips and falls, and increasing numbers of residents with dementia

- the Council’s response in the Council Plan 2011-2015, is that we will work to provide more, better quality, affordable homes, and through partnership with others, offer a range of healthier lifestyle choices to keep residents well. We will support older and disabled residents living in their own homes.

The draft ORS Housing Review shows that the largest single group within Teignbridge in coming years will be single 65+s, and that the largest inward migration will be of residents aged between 45 and 65+ moving in to retire. This will have a profound affect on the services we and our partners are going to have to offer.

In the Council Plan 2011-2015 we have committed to continuing our efforts to:

- reduce the number of empty homes - (and we were very successful at this in the year ended 4th October 2011 -  383 successful, and special thanks to the Housing Team for this);

- encourage landlords to accept rents residents can afford;

- work with local communities to help find suitable Gypsy and Traveller sites -(and again thank you to Teign Housing for their commitment to our vision);

- make sure as many new homes as possible are affordable for local people;

- put in place long term plans to meet housing needs now and in the future - this through the emerging Local Plan that we have so successfully been consulting on over recent weeks, receiving 7000 responses;

- find new ways to ensure local residents, have priority access to new social and affordable housing;

- look at specific proposals for housing types suitable for older residents;

look at the types of letting tenancies most appropriate for Teignbridge;

- And finally to become a beacon district for custom-build: Local Homes, Built by Local People, for Local People;

This Council is prepared to back its Council Plan aspirations, with a £1m revolving infrastructure fund using its New Homes Bonus in the first instance, to make things happen - and my challenge to you all today is,

can you, our partners, keep up with us, be resourceful, innovative, and present cutting edge solutions, to help us achieve these aspirations, and improve the quality of life for our residents here in Teignbridge.

Teignbridge is open for business - enjoy your day

Thank you

Devon Oil Collective

I've been banging on about such a scheme for a long time, and now its nice to see the reality.

The Community Council of Devon describe their Devon oil Collective as 'An ethical social enterprise project run by the Community Council of Devon'. The way it operates, and there is an administration fee, etc. can be found at or by emailing or telephone 01392 248919

For those who know nothing of this concept, its about the bulk ordering and buying of fuel oil, making the most of bulk discounts for the scheme members.

Now - where does this leave those who use LPG (bottled gas) in rural areas - good question. I have raised this with a CCD Colleagues and hopefully will be discussing this with them in the no too distant future.

Ashburton Rollers - YouTube

Congratulations Ashburton Rollers on this promotional video posted on YouTube:

Dawlish Brilliantly British - Dawlish needs Portas

I think this YouTube video is self-explanatory:

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Executive Meeting Tuesday 27th March 2012

At the Executive Meeting on 27th March the following recommendation came before Executive Members:

The Executive is recommended:
1. to support the project to create a permanent traveller site at Haldon Ridge for 15 pitches;
2. to agree in principle to the transfer from Devon County Council (DCC) to Teignbridge District Council (TDC) of the land necessary to create the permanent traveller site;
3. if Members wish TDC to take a transfer of the land surrounding the permanent traveller site to delegate authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Leader to negotiate with DCC the terms of the transfer of the additional land including the financial sum necessary to compensate the Council for taking enforcement action and managing the land for a period of 5 years from the date of transfer of the land.

In speaking to the resolution Cllr. Philip Vogel Executive Member Portfolio Holder for Housing and Planning stated:


Quite simply I move as set out with the addition of a line that states: 'This Council will make every endeavour to find additional sites or site suitable for permanent and transit uses.'

We have the finance, the partners, and to reject this resolution would be to prolong the difficulties of attempting to enforce with no alternative site.

It is no longer a leap of faith, but a project managed journey in which TDC (Teignbridge District Council) Officers and Councillors, DCC (Devon County Council) Officers and Councillors, Teign Housing, the HCA (Homes and Community Agency), and travellers themselves have the once in a generation opportunity to set the standard that other Authorities will envy and wish to emulate.

Leader, I move the proposition.'

The recommendation was resolved. The creation of the pitches will now be subject to planning and an application is expected to come forward in due time to the Planning Committee for determination.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

TDC Draft ORS Review Numbers Revealed - Tuesday 27th March 2012

This Administration and this Council pledged to listen to Teignbridge residents, and with the commissioning of the ORS Housing Numbers Review, showed it would do so.

We have listened, and we publish at the link below a press release regarding the review - and the draft report's reduction in housing numbers to 2033 of 2,400.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Teignbridge Business Forum Reminder

Just to remind those who regularly attend, or may like to attend for the first time, that the next Business Forum is tomorrow Wednesday 21st March 2012 1800hrs Old Forde House.

the link to the agenda and speakers can be found at:

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Phew for those worried that they had come before they had gone

We can rest better in our minds and bodies with the report that neutrinos only travel at the speed of light - no more Ground Hog day night mares!

This has been a serious worry to me since last September - the thought that Einstein's theory of relativity could have been wrong.

I mean its just to mind boggling to contemplate not just the problem of two of me being in the same space at the sometime, and causing goodness knows what waves in the Universe, but to have been there before I arrived to meet myself at the same time I met myself.......

......I think therefore I am, or will, or perhaps I have, been already sitting down in a darkened room to watch or watching, or have watched Alien!

What can you but these days for a £1

Teignbridge residents will have received this week or will be receiving their Council Tax letters for 2012-2013. And for the record its worth pointing out how every £1 of council tax residents pay is shared out for services:

10p Teignbridge District Council (Con administration) - including refuse collection, kerbside recycling, housing, planning, street cleaning, leisure - this has remained the same as last year. Last year's budget 2011-2012 was £70.120m total gross, this year's 2012 -2013 is £69.497m total gross.

This year's savings are largely small reductions in staffing, additional savings of £500,00 are planned and there is £500,00 extra new homes bonus which is mainly going into an infrastructure  fund for jobs, supporting economic development and housing. (In my view you can't have growth without focused investment).

72p Devon County Council (Con administration) - including education, roads, care for the elderly and disabled, child protection, youth services, libraries and recycling centres and disposal of waste - this has remained the same for the forthcoming year as last year.

10p Devon and Cornwall police Authority - this is a 2% increase over last year.

5p Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority - this is a 3% increase over last year.

3p Towns and Parishes - 4.3% increase -this is an average increase and each Town or Parish precept needs to be studied for the actual figures.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

13th Annual Ashburton/Buckfastleigh Rotary Club Charity Art Exhibition

Regular and irregular readers will have seen the Blogs regarding last year's Artex which help the Rotary Club of Ashburton?Buckfastleigh to raise funds for nominated charities.

Applications have already started arriving for the Rotary Club of Ashburton/Buckfastleigh’s 13th Annual Art Exhibition which will take place at the medieval Guest Hall at Buckfast Abbey.
The event takes place from Thursday 2nd August to Monday August 13th, 10am to 4.30pm daily (Sundays 12 noon to 4pm). Admission is free.
This year, the event will raise funds for Childrens Hospice South West; Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team (Ashburton) and Shelterbox plus other local charities supported by the Rotary Club of Ashburton/Buckfastleigh.
Last year, the Exhibition featured works by 80 Devon artists with over 320 pieces of art on show. More than 50 paintings were sold and the event raised nearly £5000 for the charities.
President Elect Philip Vogel said “ We hope to better last year’s record results, but this can only be achieved thanks to the generosity of the Abbot and management of the Abbey who very kindly give the Guest Hall to us each year free of charge. We are most grateful to them”.

If you are out and about in South Devon this August - when not attending one of the many Olympic events of your choice, come and view the paintings on offer - and you may just get yourself that special picture.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

My Councillor Community Fund 2011-2012 Expenditure

I show below the way in which I have spent this year's £1500 Councillor Community Fund:


THAT - Teignbridge Homeless Action Today - with reference to Ashburton and Buckfastleigh 
St Andrews Church Flower Fund
Ashburton Town Council 
Salt Spreader
Buckfastleigh Town Council 
Salt Spreader 
Valiant Soldier Heritage Museum Buckfastleigh
Ashburton Rollers 
Bank Youth Project Ashburton

Monday, 5 March 2012

The #88 Bus

For those who don't know the #88 bus, it runs from Newton Abbot Bus Station to Paignton Bus Station and return via Ashburton and Buckfastleigh, on an hourly service.

This must be one of the friendliest and happiest bus routes on the national network, and  I'd like first to pay tribute to the drivers, who are always very helpful courteous and jolly. Secondly to the passengers - its really great to be able to meet friends, neighbours and electors and have a chat to while away the journey.

This then brings me onto a bug-bear - the time from which you can pensioners can their bus pass. I appreciate, well I would wouldn't I, that savings have to be made, and that the Leader of DCC has been to Downing Street to plead the case for extra finance for concessionary fares so that the books balance - but having become accustomed  to travelling from 0900hrs, the change to 0930hrs has been difficult.

Now the #88 bus comes at about 20 past the hour on its way to Newton Abbot.
So heres the problem, those of us with bus passes who have appointments in Newton Abbot, or elsewhere either before or around 10am hope that this prompt service is delayed arriving in Ashburton until 0931hrs, so that either we do not have to take our cars into town clogging the roads and car parks, or we have to pay for the journey in :)


Devon and Cornwall Police Neighbourhood Police Report reproduced below:

Remember the new non urgent number is 101.

Over the past month there have been 36 incidents reported to us in Buckfastleigh. 5 related to anti social behaviour issues around the town.

I incident involved the use of mini motorcycles around some of the neighbourhoods,  which is an issue that has been a problem for us in the past and was raised as a concern during our last community consultation process.  Various names had been passed to us to assist in identifying those involved and after some good work by PC Steve Perrins and PCSO Kev Macleod 1 local male was caught riding his on the road.  This person has been reported for various traffic offences, including having no insurance and no driving licence and the mini moto has been seized.  Other males, who also own such bikes, have been spoken to regarding their use.

10 crimes reported to us from the town which include 6 burglaries. 2 burglary offences are related to tenant issues, whilst another relates to shed being broken into and drinks stolen. 1 was an attempt to enter a private house where a window was smashed. Police were called to a licensed premise in the town where the licensee had disturbed a local male on his property and was able to detain him until police arrived.  The male had attempted to steal bottles of alcohol and was found hiding after closing time behind the bar area.  This male has now been charged with a burglary to this premise and will be appearing at court.

3 crimes were reported to us from the Dean Prior area. 2 burglaries occurred on the same night at Dean Court where no property was stolen but damage was caused.   14 incidents were reported to us of which 10 related to traffic and the A38.

The West Buckfastleigh area remained crime free for the month but we had 2 incidents reported to us.  These involved a suspicious vehicle and a report of 2 missing young girls who were located safe and well.

Holne was both crime and incident free for the month.

Our next Police surgery will be held at Buckfastleigh Town Hall clerks office on the 15th March 2012 between 7pm and 8pm.

The local police team will be attending a Buckfastleigh Societies meeting on the evening of the 19th September to discuss local issues.

Our community priorities can be viewed on our website.  Over the next month we will be out across the area using our handheld speed detection device.  Concerns have been raised in relation to the speed some people drive through the town so we are looking to address this issue.

The Neighbourhood Team are now based at the new Police Station called Conway house at Dolbeare Meadow.  We can still be contacted via the central switchboard no. 101 or via e-mail at  The number 999 should be used for all emergencies.

Police Sergeant Ian Stevens , Police Constable Alison HOOPER,  PCSO Jonathan BOX

Neighbourhood Police Sergeant 5440  Ian Stevens

Teignbridge West
Devon BCU

Tel ; 01626 855302 (internal 4702)
Mobile; 07740070445 (mobex 870336)


Devon and Cornwall Police Neighbourhood Report Feb 2012 reproduced below:

Remember the new non urgent Police number is now 101

Over the past month 57 incidents were reported to us from Asburton. 14 of these concerned the A38 and a further 8 were traffic related incidents in the town itself.

6 reports of anti social behaviour have been received of which 2 related to youths gathering at children’s play park in the Home Park area of the town in the early hours of the morning.  On both occasions colleagues attended and spoke to those that they found at the location.  This is an area that we will be focusing on to ensure that this issue does not escalate.  We also dealt with reports of nuisance youths on North Street and in the bus shelter on West Street causing a disturbance during the early hours of the morning.  In relation to the bus shelter incident it was quickly established that those at this location came from a neighbouring address and saw the shelter as their own ‘smoking lounge’.  They have now been advised otherwise.

18 crimes were reported.  The most notable was a burglary that occurred to an address on East Street where the offender was arrested and has been charged to attend court.  We had 4 assault crimes reported to us, 2 of whish related to the school and 3 offences of theft.

In Bickington 4 incident reports were received of which 2 related to traffic problems on the A383. The area remained crime free for the month.

In Widecombe 2 incidents were reported, including a single vehicle being involved in a serious collision at Dartmeet on 3rd February. No crimes were recorded in the village.

From Woodland we received 1 incident report which involved a suspicious white transit being found on land belonging to a local farmer.  The 2 individuals asked to buy any scrap metal that was available before leaving the area.  It was later found that a battery had been taken from a tractor parked on the land.  We were given a description of the occupants of the transit van but no vehicle registration, which would assist us in identifying the vehicle and owner.  These types of incidents do occur across our area and we would urge anyone who sees anything suspicious to call us but more importantly if vehicles are involved that the registration is recorded.

I incident was reported to us from the Buckland area, but no crime.

Please report any suspicious activity or behaviour at the time on the new non-emergency telephone number of 101 – or use 999 in an emergency situation, ie if a crime is being committed.

Our neighbourhood website has been updated with our current priorities which have been set after our most recent community consultation event.  We will continue to tackle anti social behaviour in the town which, according to those spoken to, relates to youths and people leaving the pubs in the evening.  Traffic issues again were a concern for those spoken to.  This is something that we will try to influence though the real issue in the town is too many cars for the narrow streets.  We will assist Teignbridge parking wardens as they respond to parking issues and we will be out and about with our handheld speed detection device, looking to educate those who drive too fast for the moorland and urban roads.  Our efforts will be documented through these reports and our webpage.

The next Police surgery will be held at the Ashburton Information Centre from 10-11am on Tuesday 20th March.

I can be contacted at Ashburton Police Station via the Central no. 101 or via e-mail –
Alternatively the totally confidential Crimestoppers no.0800 555111 can be used to pass information to the Police.

Police Sergeant Ian Stevens
Police Constable Andy Dudley
Police Community Support Officer Kev Macleod

Neighbourhood Police Sergeant 5440  Ian Stevens

Teignbridge West
Devon BCU

Tel ; 01626 855302 (internal 4702)
Mobile; 07740070445 (mobex 870336)

Friday, 2 March 2012

More of Parishes and Parish Polls.

...and this Blog is intended to record the process and witness in words, (without any personal or prejudicial interest and without any political comment on the reasons behind the poll nor commentary on the result), an historic event...

...and it was a glorious sunny Devon winter Thursday afternoon, with a  fantastic sunset over Dartmoor, leading to a cool 6 degree night...

..and still they came, queued and cast their votes...

...and they walked, pedal cycle, came by mobility scooter, motor cycled, the  less mobile were assisted, with one little tacker pushed in a wheel barrow...

...and they came at the end of the school day, before work, after tea, after dinner, and after their shift...

...and they queued and they voted...

...and they smiled, laughed, chatted, greeted their neighbours...

...and they queued and voted...

...the television filmed, the press interviewed and took photographs...

...and still they queued and voted...

...and the queue stretch out of the front door and down the road and around the corner...

...and still they queued and voted...

...the poll closed...

...and the Returning Officer and team counted the votes, and declared the result...

...and the Mayor thanked the Returning Officer and counting officers...

...and then they all went home...

...and the caretaker switched off the lights, closed the windows, shut the front door...

...and went home...

...the end...


...and some random thoughts...

This is the second Parish Poll since 2010 held in recent years in Teignbridge - the other Dawlish regarding the Manor House
We take for granted our democratic right to vote, or not to vote, because that is also our democratic right. Interesting. The oldest voter I understand was 101 years old. Which means that when this resident was born, women did not have the right to vote. It was not until the Representation of the People Act 1918 that this would happen. The youngest voters were new on the electoral roll in October 2011 at 18, voting for the first time.