Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Executive Meeting Tuesday 27th March 2012

At the Executive Meeting on 27th March the following recommendation came before Executive Members:

The Executive is recommended:
1. to support the project to create a permanent traveller site at Haldon Ridge for 15 pitches;
2. to agree in principle to the transfer from Devon County Council (DCC) to Teignbridge District Council (TDC) of the land necessary to create the permanent traveller site;
3. if Members wish TDC to take a transfer of the land surrounding the permanent traveller site to delegate authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Leader to negotiate with DCC the terms of the transfer of the additional land including the financial sum necessary to compensate the Council for taking enforcement action and managing the land for a period of 5 years from the date of transfer of the land.

In speaking to the resolution Cllr. Philip Vogel Executive Member Portfolio Holder for Housing and Planning stated:


Quite simply I move as set out with the addition of a line that states: 'This Council will make every endeavour to find additional sites or site suitable for permanent and transit uses.'

We have the finance, the partners, and to reject this resolution would be to prolong the difficulties of attempting to enforce with no alternative site.

It is no longer a leap of faith, but a project managed journey in which TDC (Teignbridge District Council) Officers and Councillors, DCC (Devon County Council) Officers and Councillors, Teign Housing, the HCA (Homes and Community Agency), and travellers themselves have the once in a generation opportunity to set the standard that other Authorities will envy and wish to emulate.

Leader, I move the proposition.'

The recommendation was resolved. The creation of the pitches will now be subject to planning and an application is expected to come forward in due time to the Planning Committee for determination.

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