Monday, 5 March 2012


Devon and Cornwall Police Neighbourhood Report Feb 2012 reproduced below:

Remember the new non urgent Police number is now 101

Over the past month 57 incidents were reported to us from Asburton. 14 of these concerned the A38 and a further 8 were traffic related incidents in the town itself.

6 reports of anti social behaviour have been received of which 2 related to youths gathering at children’s play park in the Home Park area of the town in the early hours of the morning.  On both occasions colleagues attended and spoke to those that they found at the location.  This is an area that we will be focusing on to ensure that this issue does not escalate.  We also dealt with reports of nuisance youths on North Street and in the bus shelter on West Street causing a disturbance during the early hours of the morning.  In relation to the bus shelter incident it was quickly established that those at this location came from a neighbouring address and saw the shelter as their own ‘smoking lounge’.  They have now been advised otherwise.

18 crimes were reported.  The most notable was a burglary that occurred to an address on East Street where the offender was arrested and has been charged to attend court.  We had 4 assault crimes reported to us, 2 of whish related to the school and 3 offences of theft.

In Bickington 4 incident reports were received of which 2 related to traffic problems on the A383. The area remained crime free for the month.

In Widecombe 2 incidents were reported, including a single vehicle being involved in a serious collision at Dartmeet on 3rd February. No crimes were recorded in the village.

From Woodland we received 1 incident report which involved a suspicious white transit being found on land belonging to a local farmer.  The 2 individuals asked to buy any scrap metal that was available before leaving the area.  It was later found that a battery had been taken from a tractor parked on the land.  We were given a description of the occupants of the transit van but no vehicle registration, which would assist us in identifying the vehicle and owner.  These types of incidents do occur across our area and we would urge anyone who sees anything suspicious to call us but more importantly if vehicles are involved that the registration is recorded.

I incident was reported to us from the Buckland area, but no crime.

Please report any suspicious activity or behaviour at the time on the new non-emergency telephone number of 101 – or use 999 in an emergency situation, ie if a crime is being committed.

Our neighbourhood website has been updated with our current priorities which have been set after our most recent community consultation event.  We will continue to tackle anti social behaviour in the town which, according to those spoken to, relates to youths and people leaving the pubs in the evening.  Traffic issues again were a concern for those spoken to.  This is something that we will try to influence though the real issue in the town is too many cars for the narrow streets.  We will assist Teignbridge parking wardens as they respond to parking issues and we will be out and about with our handheld speed detection device, looking to educate those who drive too fast for the moorland and urban roads.  Our efforts will be documented through these reports and our webpage.

The next Police surgery will be held at the Ashburton Information Centre from 10-11am on Tuesday 20th March.

I can be contacted at Ashburton Police Station via the Central no. 101 or via e-mail –
Alternatively the totally confidential Crimestoppers no.0800 555111 can be used to pass information to the Police.

Police Sergeant Ian Stevens
Police Constable Andy Dudley
Police Community Support Officer Kev Macleod

Neighbourhood Police Sergeant 5440  Ian Stevens

Teignbridge West
Devon BCU

Tel ; 01626 855302 (internal 4702)
Mobile; 07740070445 (mobex 870336)

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